From One to Many: A Creator's Guide to Multi-Platform Content

Presented By My New Email Provider

4 Min Read

Before we delve into the world of content planning and strategy for multiple platforms, I'd like to extend my gratitude for your continuous support. If you find value in these newsletters, kindly consider sharing a testimonial via email.

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I know last week I didn't send an issue, I was in the process of switching to Beehiiv, and I have to say, I love this email tool!

In this edition, we're looking at how you, as a creator, can develop a content plan that allows you to post seamlessly across different platforms. The secret? Repurposing content! Let's explore the why and the how.

Let's face it, sometimes coming up with content ideas can be tough, so why not have that content go further?

Your blog -> Medium to Substack

Twitter -> LinkedIn to Instagram

YouTube -> Podcast and vice versa

You can also combine any of these platforms to make a huge repurpose train, or just jumble them up.


Content repurposing can help you:

Reach a Wider Audience: Different platforms have different user demographics. Repurposing allows you to cater to them all.

Save Time: Instead of creating new content for each platform, adapt and tweak existing content.

Reinforce Your Message: Repeated exposure to your content across platforms can reinforce your brand message and increase recall.

Here are some tips on how to repurpose content effectively:

Understand each platform: Not all content types work on all platforms. Tailor your content to the platform's audience and format. As an example, on Twitter, it's popular to bash 9-5's, well on LinkedIn, there are many on there at corporate jobs, so they won't interact with something like that, with their boss able to see that activity!

Start with a content pillar: Create a key piece of content (like a blog post or video) and adapt it for other platforms. Create some topic ideas for each platform, like I said before, what works on one may not on the other.

Mix it up: Vary the format of your content to keep it engaging. Turn a blog post into a video, infographic, podcast episode, or social media post. Using tweet images on LinkedIn or Instagram is also a great idea to create content effortlessly.


•19 Ways to repurpose content

•Generate 100+ Viral content ideas in 15 minutes

•What about turning content into digital products?


Here are this week’s tools that I have found that you may like.


That's it for this week.. let's get creating




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