From Twitter to X: The Ultimate Platform for Creators

This issue is brought to you by an incredible community dedicated to growth on X Platform

Welcome to the Wi-Fi Money Newsletter!

In this edition, we're diving into the exciting transformation of the social media landscape with the re-branding of Twitter as X. As creators, staying up-to-date with the latest platforms and their features is crucial.

When I first started creating, I was mainly doing it on just Facebook. Twitter wasn't even on my radar. I just thought of it as a platform that celebrities and politicians used. I was very wrong! The truth is that there is a "community" for almost anything you can think of. Writers, YouTubers, Financial, Business, and the list goes on and on.

If you aren't yet following me there, I'd love to connect with you on X.

As you might already know, last year, Elon Musk bought Twitter and he has rolled out many changes to the platform, including the name, which is now simply X.

What you may not know is that Elon Musk started back in the late 90's and it was going to be an online financial site. It would have checking accounts, mortgages, and more. It eventually merged to Paypal, and changed its name to Paypal.

Here's a screenshot of the site in 99.

Let's explore why embracing X is a strategic move for creators and break down the platform's new revenue-sharing model, the video features similar to TikTok, and more. Let's jump in and uncover the potential of X for your online journey!


X allows creators to monetize on the platform in 2 main ways that are directly connected to the website. Obviously, you can also sell affiliate products through links and bio, or services, but I'm referring to the 2 main ways integrated right on X.

  • Subscriptions

  • Ad Revenue

Let's cover each now in more detail.

Subscriptions allow you to have a "subscribe" button right on your profile so that people can subscribe to your profile, in addition to following you. They would pay a monthly amount that you have set up.

They will subscribe for extra content that you give subscribers that you don't give to followers. This might be more in-depth content, or behind the scenes content, or whatever fits your audience.

The only criteria to have subscriptions turned on is to be 18 and over, have more than 500 followers, and be active in the past 30 days.

Next, Ad Revenue, lets you share revenue from verified user's organic impressions of ads displayed in replies to content you post on X. This means that you get paid simply for just posting and getting a lot of impressions on the platform. You don't need to do anything extra.

To be eligible for ad revenue sharing, you need 500 followers, 5 million impressions in the previous 3 months, and be subscribed to X Premium (formerly Twitter Blue).

Remember, this community will help you grow on the platform. Anything from branding, strategies, and tons of training by guests that crush it on X.


-Stay up to date with the new algorithm of X and what will help you grow your account fast

-TweetDeck was a great tool to use for managing your account, but now is X Pro.

-This payout of ad revenue sharing from X isn't too bad.


Here are this week’s tools that I have found that you may like.


Thanks for checking out this issue al about X. I am doubling down on that platform and I hope you are too. If you aren't already following me on there, go ahead and connect there with me and let's grow together on the platform.




or to participate.