LinkedIn for Creators: Unlocking the Network's Potential

This issue is brought to you by the premiere LinkedIn tool to explode follower count.

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In this edition, we're exploring LinkedIn and how it can be a game-changer for creators. Whether you're a writer, graphic designer, digital marketer, or podcaster, LinkedIn offers a unique platform for showcasing your work, connecting with your audience, and even finding new opportunities.

Last year, I re-dedicated myself to Linkedin. I own an Insurance Agency, so my content on there is more or less Sales, Marketing, & Leadership. You can connect with me here.

It’s important to understand that “anti 9-5” type content doesn’t work on LinkedIn, since people won’t interact with it due to managers seeing their activity on the timeline.


With over 930 million members, LinkedIn has emerged as a dynamic platform for creators. Here are some strategies to tap into its power:

  • Master High-Quality Writing: Craft engaging, easy-to-understand content. An irresistible hook is essential to grab attention within the first 3 seconds​. There is a line break early in the LinkedIn Post, so the hook is key.

  • Featured Links: Use this creator feature to have your top links featured at the top of your profile. Previously it was tough to have links to relevant products or content via LinkedIn, but now it’s easy!

  • Define Your Content Pillars: Identify the central themes around which your content revolves. It helps you maintain brand consistency and resonance with your audience​.

  • Learn from Successful Creators: Study the content, style, and tactics of successful creators in your niche. It provides valuable insights and inspiration for your content​. Justin Welsh and Tim Denning are two of my favorite creators on there.

  • Don’t post too much: Post once every 18 hours for max reach.


LinkedIn's new feature, Creator Mode, transforms your profile into a more content-centric space, making it easier for you to share your work and build your audience. When enabled, the Activity section moves to the top of your profile, your Featured and Activity sections expand, and your network is replaced with followers to help you grow your audience.

To optimize your profile further, use a professional profile picture, a captivating background image, a keyword-rich headline, and a customized URL.


  1. This is the main source you need to get started on Linkedin as a creator.

  2. You can learn all about Creator Mode here

  3. Learn 8 genius Linkedin features


Here are this week’s tools that I have found that you may like.

  1. I can’t imagine being on Linkedin without using this tool for AI and scheduling.

  2. The second one is a great tool for analytics


This week’s creator spotlight

Justin Welsh is a great resource for LinkedIn with almost 500k followers and great content.

He is everywhere, but here’s his LinkedIn is here.


That's it for this week.. let's connect on Linkedin and let's get you some traction on a great platform!



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