The Power of Writing a Book: A Game-Changer for Your Brand

This issue is brought to you by my favorite self-publishing tool.

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Now, let's dive right in…

In this edition, we're taking a fresh look at an old classic: writing a book. Whether you're an entrepreneur, a consultant, or a brand owner, writing a book could be a significant move to propel your personal brand or business further. It's a powerful tool to establish authority, share your unique insights, and reach new audiences. Let's explore how and why.


The act of authoring a book is a testament to your expertise and dedication in your field. Here are some reasons or uses why you should consider it:

  • Establishes Authority: A book allows you to showcase your knowledge and experience, positioning you as an authority in your field. It's a tangible product that proves your commitment and expertise.

  • Especially if you publish your book on major channels like Amazon and Barnes & Noble. You will get discovered by many of their shoppers already in their ecosystem.

  • Creates Lasting Impact: Books have a long shelf life, offering a lasting footprint of your thoughts and ideas. The impact of your book extends far beyond its publication date, benefiting readers for years to come.

  • Can Serve as a Funnel: You can use your book as a funnel by having it low-cost, or even FREE. Promote your service, newsletter, course, community, and more.

  • Use as a Marketing Tool: In the online space, many have heard of “lead magnets”. This basically means you give away something digital in return for someone’s email or other info. You can do this with a physical book too! Give it away to get speaking engagements or other business. I do this with my financial practice.


  1. This is a super quick, easy list of steps to self-publish your book.

  2. Here are some tips for your book to boost your brand

  3. Discover 127 places to get your book listed and promoted!


Here are this week’s tools that I have found that you may like.

  1. If you are going to self-publish a book, you need great keywords and categories. This will do the trick.

  2. This is a totally free tool to use to write your book, including the formatting and download of the manuscript for free! You’re welcome.


This week’s creator spotlight

Chandler Bolt is a great authority on writing non-fiction books and he has a great podcast with free content for you.


That's it for this week.. write that book!



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